Let's say you're working on programmatically updating a bulletin using the Carousel API. You need to be able to target that bulletin directly to update things like its schedule or content. The parameter used by the API to 'GET' a single bulletin is its 'id'. You can find this a couple different ways.
- Query the bulletin get all endpoint for the bulletins who's `Description` matches and choose the right one (substituting the bracketed variables for your parameters dont include the brackets) `/CarouselAPI/v1/bulletins?ZoneID={your_zone_id}&Description={your_bulletins_description}`
- Choose the bulletin you want and use its 'id' property to 'GET' it and 'PUT' it back with the appropriate changes.
- Edit the bulletin in the UI and look at the URL
- Choose the bulletin you want and use its 'id' property to 'GET' it and 'PUT' it back with the appropriate changes.