Exporting Channels
Important note: For customers working with Carousel to move their channels from Carousel 7 to Carousel Cloud, it is required that only one channel is exported at a time: one channel per .csl file. The channel's content and media files and can sometimes be several GB's in size. If storage space is a concern, you may want to delete some of the expired bulletins in your channel prior to exporting.
Start by right-clicking the Carousel Clone tool located either on the desktop of your Carousel server, or in TRMS\Tools and Run As Administrator. Launching the tool may take some time on larger systems as it updates the media folder permissions but it will launch eventually.
Click the Export option on the Clone Tool and you will be greeted with a menu showing all channels on the server. Just select the channel, or channels, you wish to export and press ok, and select a location to save the file.
Once the export is finished you will have a .csl file which will include the following attributes of the channel(s):
- Name of the channel
- Channel layout, resolution, any subscriptions
- All zones in the layout with all configuration settings
- Full Screen alert zones and crawls that the channel is subscribed to
- All templates from all zones
- All media from all zones
- All bulletins (including upcoming and expired) from all zones
The following attribute will not be included as they are configured outside of the channel settings
- External authentications (Twitter, Exchange and MDM authentications)
If there are any private templates owned by a specific user in an exported zone, those will be still exported but only admin accounts will be able to see them when imported again.