HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. Carousel supports a limited amount of HTML formatting in templates. Using HTML in your templates, you can expand what you can do with your bulletins.
In some cases, this can be considered a Power User feature in Carousel. Improper use of formatting could cause your bulletins to break. Proceed with caution. Because Tightrope doesn't publicly advertise Hypertext Markup formatting as a feature, support using this markup language is not guaranteed.
Heres some examples of formatting code you can use to spruce up your bulletins:
FormattingHTML Usage
NotesThis text is bold!
<b>This text is bold!</b> This text is Italic<i>This text is Italic</i> This text is looking small<small>This text is looking small</small>Good for nesting smaller text within normal sized text.Strikethrough text<del>Strikethrough</del> text This is subscripted textThis is <sub>subscripted</sub> text. And this is superscripted.and this is <sup>superscripted</sup> Add a splash of color.Add a <font style="color:red">splash</font> of color.You can define colors with RGB, HEX, etc. More on this here.
- Coffee
- Tea
- Milk
You can even nest / indent lists within lists to add "sub"lists. More about lists here.
- Coffee
- Tea
- Milk
<ol> <li>Coffee</li> <li>Tea</li> <li>Milk</li></ol>
Ordered / numbered list.
And text beneath
and text beneath
You can use heading tags <h1> through <h6>. More about headings here.
There are probably more HTML Formatting that works in Carousel. Feel free to experiment with others! This formatting doesn't work in all scenarios.