Did you know, in just 22 easy steps, you can use Zapier to convert your Facebook feed into an RSS format that you can use in Carousel!
First, create a Zapier Account:
Next, Make a Zap:
Then, choose Facebook pages:
Choose, new posting to your timeline:
Connect your account:
Select your Facebook page:
Then, pull in samples from your timeline:
Now, test it to make sure the connection is successful:
Next, select RSS by Zapier:
Create item in feed:
Name the feed URL:
Set feed title to from name:
Set item title to message:
Then set content to message:
Set media url to picture:
Set pubdate to created time:
Then, send test to Zapier:
Select Finish:
Name your Zap and turn it on:
Log into Carousel and select New Bulletin:
Select a Dynamic bulletin type:
Select RSS bulletin:
Set the RSS url to the URL from Zapier:
Publish your bulletin and enjoy!